How to Attract House Finches to Trees

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Do you want to attract house finches to your tree? In this article you will learn what trees house finches prefer how to attract them to trees and the different kinds of feeders these birds prefer. These birds are very easy to attract. To get started all you need to do is plant a few berries in your tree. House finches love sweet berries so you can try to feed them zinnia or sunflower seeds. Black oil sunflower seeds are especially tasty to house finches and you can easily attract them to your tree with them.

What trees do House Finches like?

What trees do House Finches like? You might have seen this little bird in a bird feeder before but did you know it is native to western US and Mexico? They were introduced to the New York area in the 1940s and soon became very widespread. Their range soon expanded to the east where they replaced the purple finch in eastern forests. The species now lives from coast to coast and is even found in the desert canyons of the Southwest.

The genus name for the rosefinch Carpodacus is an Old World genus. There are 27 species of rosefinches. Three New World species have DNA analysis that suggests they are not closely related to their Old World relatives. The name Carpodacus means ‘fruit biter’ and presumably refers to the fruit that House Finches feed on. Haemorhous means ‘blood sumac’ and may refer to autumn sumac leaves.

What trees do finches nest in?

House Finches are widespread and many people have seen them at their bird feeders or backyards. These beautiful birds nest in a variety of places including trees cacti and even human-made structures such as hanging planters and window sills. Nesting is a natural process and finches usually build a cup-shaped nest made from fine stems. These nests can be as deep as two inches.

House Finches are highly social birds often forming flocks of several hundred birds. They feed on the ground and in a variety of tree and shrub species including mulberry ivy and knotweed. Male finches also mimic feeding females perching in ledges and vents. But they aren’t shy about approaching humans; they may prank-call in order to attract them with their cheery voices.

house finch nesting training

If you want to attract House Finches to trees in your yard you’ve come to the right place. These bright-eyed little birds are native to the continental United States and can be found all over the country. They typically nest in trees bushes and even on fences. They prefer a diet of weed seeds fruit and buds. They also eat insects but rarely feed them. They are best fed black oil sunflower seeds.

Once you’ve attracted a few finches to your yard you’re ready to offer them a place to hang out and feed. While you’re waiting for the winter to come keep the feeder clean and elevated to avoid falling snow. Finches also love fresh food so be sure to provide fresh food and water for them. Also provide them with a comfortable place to spend the day eating.

What kind of feeders do finches like?

When it comes to feeding House Finches they are not particularly fussy about what they eat. Their preferred feeds are plants and plant material. Their nestlings are exclusively fed plant foods. Millet milo thistle and black oil sunflower seeds are recommended for House Finches. These social birds typically flock together. Choose feeders with a tall tube or an open bowl as they are more likely to feed in these types of settings.

Finches are happy on most types of feeders but they prefer perches with short perches and accessible food trays. If you want to attract finches to your feeder consider getting a window tube seed bird feeder with a wide tray. Then you can choose to hang the feeder from a tree branch or use a standard bird feeder pole. Whatever style you choose finches will love the food!

Picture of Marry J Correy

Marry J Correy

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I'd tell you what I discovered...

About Me

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I’d tell you what I discovered…

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