Interesting Facts About the House Finch That You Should Know!

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The House Finch is known for its sweet song and red wash on its head face and breast. The feather color can be orangey red or yellow depending on its diet. House Finch feathers with red and yellow colors attract more females. Red feathers are seen on the male’s throat face and breast. They also have a red wash on their wing tips. Here are some interesting facts about the House Finch that you should know!

house finch personality

One of the most intriguing aspects of a House Finch’s personality is that it always returns to its same nest. The species is widely distributed across the United States with 21 million birds total. This bird is cosmopolitan in its habits inhabiting all areas from arid southwest to humid northeast. Its red head and breast help it to differentiate itself from other birds in the region. Its song is long and twittery and it can be heard from most areas of the continent.

A House Finch’s personality is largely determined by the area where it resides. They tend to prefer human-made environments to natural secluded settings. The species has colonized nearly all habitat types in the United States and is more common in urban areas than in rural ones. Their singing and peeping capabilities make them great choices for close neighbors. Their energetic nature also makes them a good choice for backyard birdhouses.

How did the house finch get its name?

The house finch has two species one of which is a common resident of North America. While the American variety has a long stout beak a square-tipped tail and a brown body with darker streaks along the flanks the European species has the same characteristics but is larger and clumsier. The male’s head and back are adorned with vibrant red feathers varying in intensity depending on the amount of fruit the bird consumes.

The House Finch is native to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico but was only introduced to North America in the 1940s due to illegal pet trade. These birds were originally introduced to the Western United States as Hollywood finches but were quickly released into New York city. By 1900 they were common on all of the major islands of the continent. And in fact their popularity in the U.S. led to an illegal trade in the birds – one estimate is that as many as 100000 were shipped to the city.

What does house finch look like?

A finch is an adaptable bird that can live in a wide variety of habitats including bird feeders. House Finches have large broad beaks flat heads short wings and a shallow notch on their tail. Their plumage is typically grayish brown with bright red cheeks and a shoulder patch. They can also be mistaken for Cassin’s Finches.

The male House Finch is streaked with brown and is rosy red or pale yellow in color. The female House Finch is gray-brown throughout with a faint rosy red hue. Juvenile House Finches have a grayish-brown plumage and lack definitive lines on their face. However they do not look much different than a Purple Finch. The birds are also similar in color but male House Finches are a bit easier to identify.

Female House Finches lay two to six eggs a year. During the breeding season female House Finches lay four to five eggs at a time. During winter House finches lay one egg every two days. Nestlings are often fed by their parents before they leave the nest. House Finches are known to raise up to three broods each year and defecate and poop in cup-shaped nests. The nests may be in a variety of places and are usually built of fine twigs grasses and rootlets.

Is a house finch a pet?

House Finches have long been a popular pet bird. The birds are native to North America and southwestern Mexico. They have bright red chests and are considered extremely attractive. In the 1940s they were bred and shipped to New York City as a popular pet. They were renamed Hollywood finches and eventually spread across North Eastern America and Hawaii. While they are considered primarily residential birds they can be found in urban areas in other parts of the world.

In the United States house finches were bred to be pets and backyard birders documented the spread of the species. The National Audubon Society went undercover to expose the industry. They set up bogus buying transactions to catch illegal pet traders. The resulting drama has led to laws against the trade of wild animals for pet purposes. And while they are pretty and don’t bother humans the unsustainable nature of the house finches’ diets is threatening their very survival.

Picture of Marry J Correy

Marry J Correy

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I'd tell you what I discovered...

About Me

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I’d tell you what I discovered…

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