The Different Types of Finch Birds

Table of Contents

There are several different types of finch birds. This article will explain the differences between common house finches and their more unusual cousins. Learn how to tell them apart by color and shape. And discover when you can see them in the wild. Find out more about finches at your local bird sanctuary. You will be glad you did! You can also learn more about finch birds by their song and habits. And don’t forget to read our finch facts and features article!

How many types of finch are there?

Common Redpolls are common backyard bird feeder visitors. These red-colored birds have a rollercoaster-like flight style and travel in flocks of several hundred birds. They are fast fliers and can turn up virtually anywhere. They have short-medium tails streaked feathers and thick bills. Despite their common name they have very different habits so it’s important to know which type you’re likely to see in your yard.

There are several hundred different types of finch. Finch species include the canary bunting grass finch and Galapagos finch. They are members of the Passeriformes order. Other types of finches are classified in the Thraupidae and Emberizidae families. These birds are social and territorial. They are highly social and sing sweetly.

house finch by color

When looking for a bird you’ll probably notice a lot of colors in the male House Finch. The males are usually bright red but some are orange or yellow as well. The females are generally gray-brown with blurry streaks on the underparts. Interestingly the male House Finch looks more like a Purple Finch than a Red-bellied Woodpecker. Regardless of how you identify a House Finch you’ll soon realize that males are the most colorful of the two species.

The reason that male House Finches have such bright red colors is because they are rich in carotenoids which give them their red and yellow colors. This coloration is more pronounced in males as they have access to carotenoid pigments while molting. While red-colored male House Finches are less likely to have fewer carotenoids they’ll still be more attractive to females.

house finch by shape

If you’re in the market for a new pet you’ve probably noticed that there are a few variations in the shape of House Finches. These birds are often categorized into two categories: Purple Finches and House Finches. Purple Finches are the least colorful of the two but both are recognizable. The body of a House Finch is similar to its female counterpart but the male has a sexier appearance and a broader head. If you’re in the market for a new pet you’ll need to distinguish the males from the females.

The primary way to distinguish the House Finch from the Cassin’s Finch is by looking at its body and head. Cassin’s Finch has a contrasting red-orange back while the House Finch lacks this color. Both species have similar body and tail shapes and are commonly seen as feeder birds. House Finch males have red or purple auriculars but this coloration is rarely as distinctive as the female’s. Similarly the bill of a House Finch is stubby and rounder than that of the Cassin’s Finch.

What time of year are finches around?

What time of year are finch birds most active? Common redpolls are the most common winter visitor to feeders. Their small red bill is easily identified but their body is primarily brown. These birds are generally skittish and feed on seeds and other small things. They often visit feeders in flocks. In winter they will gather in large numbers and feed enthusiastically. Their song is a delightful way to begin your day!

The Western Oregon finch can be a nuisance in winter due to their aggressive behavior. They can harm other birds but they are usually a welcome backyard bird feeder visitor. When they are huddled together in flocks they may crack open seeds and feed each other. They may also make the rounds of the neighborhood and head south for the winter. But no matter what season it is finches are a pleasure to watch.

Picture of Marry J Correy

Marry J Correy

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I'd tell you what I discovered...

About Me

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I’d tell you what I discovered…

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