What Does a House Finch Do in Winter?

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You might be wondering what a House Finch does in the winter. Here is information on how they survive the cold season. You can also learn if House Finches migrate. Learn how to spot a house finch in the winter so you can help them stay warm this winter. Keep reading to learn more about this colorful bird! So what does a House Finch look like in the winter? Let’s find out!

What do House Finches do in winter?

When the weather turns cold what do House Finches do? They tend to stay around their breeding sites and do well around human activity. You can attract them to your backyard with feeders full of small black oil sunflower seeds. You can even give them a front-row seat as they raise their young. You can read more about the birds that frequent feeders at Project FeederWatch. And if you are interested in feeding these sociable cheerful birds here are some tips:

In winter house finches feed on grains and other seed-like substances. During spring they feed on flower buds and parts. They also feed on suet cakes made from the fat around the loins and kidneys of meat. This fat provides valuable nutrition for house finches. House finches eat seed-based foods all year long so they’ll likely come to your feeder several times a day.

How do House Finches survive winter?

One question on many people’s minds is: how do House Finches survive winter? The answer lies in the acrobatics of their plumage and the resilience of their body systems. House finches are common throughout the U.S. parts of Canada and Mexico. According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey (NABBS) the House Finches have a breeding population of 40 million. The Partners in Flight organization rates these birds as 6 out of 20 on the Continental Concern Scale. Unfortunately some of their numbers have declined due to disease such as mycoplasmal conjunctivitis which results in swollen and red eyes and respiratory difficulties. The disease makes House Finches vulnerable to predators and adverse weather conditions.

During winter house finches migrate in large flocks and stay close to one another for protection. During summer they remain in the same area for feeding nesting with just one mate. During winter some populations migrate to warmer areas but most remain in the same area. In fact the oldest house finch lived as long as 11 years and seven months in the wild. Fortunately these birds are adaptable and can survive in both cold and warm climates.

Do House Finches migrate in the winter?

During the winter months the house finch is found mostly in coniferous forests where they breed in large flocks. The males and females in these flocks are in a dominating relationship and they communicate mainly through song although body posture and plumage are also important in communication. These birds spend their days in the same place they spend their nights although some species spend the winter in tree cavities to protect themselves from predators.

Goldfinches also known as American goldfinches are found in southern Ontario in the winter. Their increased numbers are linked to bird feeding in the area. During winter they are less conspicuous and vocal than in the summer giving low te-te-te notes. In winter the bright yellow ‘Wild Canary’ molts into female-like plumage and is less visible.

What does a house finch look like in the winter?

What does a House Finch look like in the winter? Unlike other birds that migrate in winter they are early nesters. In fact they may be 11 years old making them more susceptible to conjunctivitis. They may even survive as long as 11 years in the wild. Their short lifespan may also contribute to conjunctivitis and lower genetic diversity. Despite their early nesting habits the most striking feature of a House Finch in winter is their lack of color.

While most birds spend their winters in a solitary environment House Finches flock together. These birds collect at bird feeders and perch in trees nearby to feed. House Finches are slow-moving and feed on the ground weeds and seeds. Their song which is lively and has a buzzing note in the middle often concludes with a burry weeer.

Picture of Marry J Correy

Marry J Correy

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I'd tell you what I discovered...

About Me

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I’d tell you what I discovered…

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