Where Are House Finches in the US?

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You’ve probably wondered where House Finches live. You’ve probably wondered if they are native to California or Texas. Now you know. This information can help you identify where the House Finch lives how it gets to your area and whether they are even native to the US. Listed below are some common questions that house finches in the US may have and their answers. Also find out what state they’re found in.

What states do House Finches live in?

The most widespread summer population of House Finches lives in the eastern U.S. Its summer range includes southern New Hampshire and Maine. Other populations are found in the highlands of the Carolinas and extreme southern Ontario. The breed is migratory and spends the winter in southern states. In addition the species has been found in Mexico. AZ Animals is a growing team of pet owners and animal experts.

The house finch breeds throughout the western U.S. Its breeding range includes the low elevation forest edges southeastern Oregon and California southern Idaho and western Nebraska. It also breeds in southern British Columbia. Its range extends into southern British Columbia and eastern Canada. It also breeds in southern California. These birds are found in a variety of cities and towns in the western U.S.

What part of the US did the House Finch come from?

The House Finch is one of North America’s most common birds. Their range is extensive extending from southern Canada to eastern Mexico. The species’ population is widely distributed with western populations expanding rapidly and eastern ones increasing in number. Some northern populations migrate south for the winter. While human modification of their natural habitat benefits their numbers they are still considered a threat to the wild island populations.

The House Finch is an extremely widespread species originally found in the southwestern United States. Since the 1930s they were introduced to the east coast as escaped cage birds and are now spread throughout a wide area in the eastern U.S. Currently House Finches are found in every state west of the Rockies as well as the eastern half of the country. It is also present in Hawaii.

Is House Finch native to California?

This elusive little bird is a California native that can be found in the desert and coastal regions. Its breeding grounds are found in deep cavities in telegraph poles and oak trees. In southern Arizona a woodpecker hole was discovered in which a house finch had nested. In Utah house finches prefer nesting in Colorado blue spruce trees where the needles are sharp and provide snug nesting sites.

In the eastern United States this bird is not native. It has been introduced to other parts of the country including New York and Connecticut. In the west this species has largely replaced the Purple Finch as California’s state bird. It feeds on seeds fruit buds and other vegetation. The migratory habits of this species have also made it a valuable part of California’s agriculture.

Are there finches in Texas?

Can you find house finches in Texas? Until 2007 the only finches found in Texas were found in the western part of the state. Now the species is common in the Hill Country Edwards Plateau and Rolling Plains. Before the species reached Texas it was known as a linnet. Howard Lacey a famous bird observer had to wait two decades to see the bird on his ranch. Fortunately it finally made its way there.

If you want to see this beautiful bird in Texas you need to be aware of the following facts:

Picture of Marry J Correy

Marry J Correy

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I'd tell you what I discovered...

About Me

Living in San Francisco, we get to see (and hear) quite a few House Finches all year round.
When a couple of them made their home in my back yard, I started to feed them and even got a little wooden birdhouse.
So I thought I’d tell you what I discovered…

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